- Wicca 101 January 7 ,14, 21 ,28 4pm-7pm
Wicca 101 January 7 ,14, 21 ,28 4pm-7pm
per item
In a techno world, information is instantly at our fingertips but so is misinformation. When embarking on the path of the wise one can easily become overwhelmed and confused. Whether you are a current practitioner, a fledgling, or just curious about the Craft Wicca 101 is a great foundation course.
Learn what the Craft really is:
* History of the Craft
* What is Wicca?
* Hollywood v Reality.
* Elements & Elementals
* Wheel of the Year
* Esbats
* Goddess & God
* Ancestors
* Circle Casting
* Major and Minor Working Tools
* Making Holy Water
* and Spell Craft
This class is a 4 part class. Classes will be held on:
**$80 covers all class materials (except notebook and pen) **